Optimizing Data Transfer Cost on AWS Infrastructure

Most of you would surely agree that  AWS billing mechanism is too complex and difficult to understand if you have limited experience with it. Any AWS bill where the system is internet facing and using different distributed systems internally, it is not unusual to see 15-20% bill pertaining to data transfer cost of over all AWSContinue reading “Optimizing Data Transfer Cost on AWS Infrastructure”

Real time Analytics Pipeline Using AWS

At HealthKart, we use lambda architecture for building real time analytics pipeline. However the most critical part in this setup is picking the framework which are extensible and does not cost a heavy toll on your infrastructure cost. Keeping these thing in mind, AWS was the most viable option to have lambda architecture for achievingContinue reading “Real time Analytics Pipeline Using AWS”

Why we migrated our CDN from AWS to Cloudflare

Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a critical piece in your app eco system as it ensures faster delivery of your media and static content to your app users. Since our complete infrastructure is hosted on AWS, CDN services were being availed from AWS itself. On side note, I am a big AWS fan and duringContinue reading “Why we migrated our CDN from AWS to Cloudflare”