Optimizing Data Transfer Cost on AWS Infrastructure

Most of you would surely agree that  AWS billing mechanism is too complex and difficult to understand if you have limited experience with it. Any AWS bill where the system is internet facing and using different distributed systems internally, it is not unusual to see 15-20% bill pertaining to data transfer cost of over all AWSContinue reading “Optimizing Data Transfer Cost on AWS Infrastructure”

Optimizing Infrastructure Cost for Next.js Server Side Rendered Pages (SSR)

With the changes announced by Google last year regarding how they are going to measure Google Core Web Vitals (LCP, FID, CLS) for web apps, SSR (Server Side Rendered Pages) became the survivor to avoid any downgrading on SEO front from Google. Most of the business websites running on Client-Side Rendered (CSR) React application movedContinue reading “Optimizing Infrastructure Cost for Next.js Server Side Rendered Pages (SSR)”

Fixing MySQL errors (Lockwait timeout/ Deadlocks) In High Concurrent Spring Boot Transactional Systems

Nearly every engineer working with relational database management systems has encountered deadlocks or Lockwait Timeouts, or let’s be honest, been haunted by the nightmare of them. HealthKart also encountered a similar issue. Back-to-back deadlocks hampered our user experience, especially during Sale Seasons owing to the high concurrency. This kept us all night leaving us beggingContinue reading “Fixing MySQL errors (Lockwait timeout/ Deadlocks) In High Concurrent Spring Boot Transactional Systems”

How We Improved our App Startup and Navigation Time on Android App

Our Engineering team at HealthKart has a keen focus on improving the performance and making the system scalable for better user experience. Our Mobile Development team encountered couple of bottlenecks which was causing the issue on the performance side and hence a bad user experience score on the different performance metrics. Few of the importantContinue reading “How We Improved our App Startup and Navigation Time on Android App”

Scaling Regression Test Cases through parallelism – A Cloud Native Approach

Introduction In the game of balancing out agility , quality and velocity for continuous business changes, automation regression keeps on growing along with your code base. A single line of code change in business logic results in creating multiple regression test cases. Also, it gets multi folded because this has to be tested on multipleContinue reading “Scaling Regression Test Cases through parallelism – A Cloud Native Approach”

Moving to SSR and Managing Google Core Web Vitals

As a company we are always focussed on the performance of our core web sites. However, with Google recently announcing that Core Web Vitals will be used as signals to the SEO indexing on mobile, the performance became the number one priority. Having figured out that React Client side App may not be the bestContinue reading “Moving to SSR and Managing Google Core Web Vitals”

Using EDA and K-Means for food similarity and diet chart

Health and wellness is complex thing and needs a holistic approach in your lifestyle to achieve and maintain it . Food is an important pillar for your health and fitness. Complexity increases as we move into details of food items to classify what is healthy and what is unhealthy that too taking the consideration ofContinue reading “Using EDA and K-Means for food similarity and diet chart”

How to track sleep through Android app

Introduction Our HealthKart application helps users to achieve help and fitness goal through our digital platform. Achieving help and fitness goal requires lots of things to be incorporated in daily routine and sleep is an important parameter for the same. Sleep tracking can be done through couple of methodology and one of the popular wayContinue reading “How to track sleep through Android app”

Adding In App Video Chat Support – Things to consider

Pandemic has given exponential rise to video communication adoption to the digital platform to have better personal support service to customers. If you have a digital property, In-App video chat becomes an important aspect of the same. From a technology perspective, there are multiple options to choose from when it comes to implementation for theContinue reading “Adding In App Video Chat Support – Things to consider”

When not to use Microservices

There is nothing like a silver bullet that exists in this world which can solve all your problems. In the field of medicine, certain medications can help in fighting only certain diseases. A medication for headache can not be used for diabetic care or curing eye problems. Certain medications also not suitable in a fewContinue reading “When not to use Microservices”